Reconnect with Your Infinity
Dr. Eric Pearl was, so to speak, inducted into a higher vibratory plane in 1993, after he visited a healer who performed on him a pre-established set of motions meant to connect his meridians to those of the planet. As he puts it in his book The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself the healer, Cipora, “painted lines on his body with her fingers” over the course of two visits, and only after exchanging exactly $333 dollars for the process. Dr. Eric’s metamorphosis took Cipora and her own teacher aback- they had never seen anyone ever become the catalyst to so much energy – an unknown energy at that- nor had they’ve ever seen or heard of anyone facilitating the incredible healings taking place at his chiropractor’s practice.
Dr. Eric found little help in understanding what had happened, he truly had entered unchartered waters. He set out to understand these prescribed motions from Cipora’s teacher and eventually, through the guidance of the RH frequencies, he created the process needed to reconnect someone, what he named the Personal Reconnection®.
The Personal Reconnection® is an accelerated exchange of Energy, Light & Information via the Reconnective Healing Frequencies. It’s a specific process used to connect your meridians (chakras/energy lines) to those of our planet (ley lines) and the energy grid that connects the entire universe, the one we see and the invisible. It is done by choice, and it’s not something any one can prescribe you do. The Personal Reconnection® process brings about clarity about your Life Path, accelerates your personal evolution, expands your ability to receive, process and exchange information on all levels and gifts you with a deep knowingness of what really matters at all times. It is a powerful and meaningful experience, and you can receive only once in your lifetime: once you receive your Personal Reconnection® you do not need “maintenance” sessions to upkeep it.
The Reconnective Healing frequencies are a complete bandwidth of Energy, Light & Information that upon our interaction with them help us vibrate at a higher level and into optimal balance and wellness. When used in the Personal Reconnection an amplification of their effects occurs, allowing the receiver to experience crystal-clear clarity, accelerated transformation and a profound connection with All That Is -all life energy – and That Which Is – the source. While sometimes people might end up “blocking” their own healing after an RH session, there is no way to undo the Personal Reconnection, you simply become more.
About The Personal Reconnection
You Are More
• Anyone who seeks me fully attuned to themselves, the planet and the universe.
• Anyone who is in search of a deeper meaning in their lives.
• Anyone pursuing a faster evolution in themselves on every level.
• Anyone feeling stuck.
• Anyone seeking to re-establish the ability to communicate with everything.
• Anyone wanting to live their multidimensionality.
Children under the age of 12 generally do not need the Reconnection but can receive it if they expressly ask for it. A parent cannot make the decision for them yet there are occasions in which it’s allowed, on a per-case basis.
Animals and plants do not need to be reconnected – they haven’t lost their connection with nature and energy. Animals do tend to notice when someone has been reconnected, they will typically become very curious about the person.
Cognitively Impaired
People who do not have the ability to communicate may receive the Reconnection, on a per-case basis, per the request of their guardian or family member. It’s never too late to receive the Personal Reconnection or a Reconnective Healing session.
Experiencing The Infinite Power Of Oneness
Plus some key points to remember when booking your session:
If you have more questions please contact us.
The key to receiving all the benefits the Reconnective Healing® frequencies have offer is to observe the process without trying to direct it.
As you lie/sit during the session try to become aware of everything that you are sensing and feeling. Notice the RH frequencies, what they do, how it feels. What do you hear? What do you see?
You don’t need to quiet down your mind during your session, you can allow it to wander. Just remember to return your attention to what you’re noticing and experiencing.
Letting go of expectations will bring you a more rewarding experience. When we fixate on results we become unable to see everything else that is being offered. A healing will always take place, and it will be what you need and is appropriate to you at this point in your journey.
If you fall asleep during your session do not worry as sometimes the RH frequencies have that effect. It may be that it is part of a process and a healing that has being designed specifically for you.
More often than not, the healing / transformation will be instantaneous. Sometimes it’s a very obvious change, sometimes it takes a few days for it to be noticed or recognized. Often it’s exactly what we wanted, if appropriate for us to receive it at that moment. The healing / transformation will always be what we needed, whether we were aware of it or not. Trusting your process and trusting your discoveries will help you see the unique gift you’ve received.
Each experience is unique and may include tangible sensations such as feeling touched, bright lights, change of temperature, music, voices, smells, the sensation that there are more people around you… these are just to mention a few.
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