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Activating Your Healing

Here are three ways in which you can activate your healing in your everyday life

How do we activate healing in our daily lives? When we think about healing, those of us who have experienced Reconnective Healing already, we have an understand that healing is much more than the physical, the mental, the spiritual or the emotional getting “fixed”. It’s not our mindset is anymore because we’ve seen how RH is more than curing and fixing things, it is much more than that. And yet sometimes we forget this.

When we are aware of the RH frequencies in us our biophotonic energy field just expands and communicates with the entire Field and beyond, into the multiverse.

There is nothing that separates us from healing and the frequencies themselves, we are one with both. Yet sometimes we feel distant from this knowingness, that healing is happening constantly in our daily lives. Even when we know we know and we have experienced and witnessed miracles we sometimes still feel a little bit like we have to fix something.

 Sometimes fear may put us right back into the mindset of expectation and fixing things and we stop being the observer and the witness to the transformation that is happening in our lives constantly thanks to the Reconnective Healing frequencies. In a moment of crisis we might suddenly find ourselves unable to see and recognize that we are the healing, despite of whatever the situation may appear to be.

When we forget this truth we may even fall into a sense of disappointment: even when we think we’re not expecting something to happen maybe we still are little. Or maybe we are feeling emotionally attached to a result, for example, when it’s somebody we care about and they are suffering. 

These are some of the things that perhaps can interfere in our daily lives' experience of these frequencies and how they, just by the fact that we place our awareness on them, are actually constantly transforming and healing us.

We’re so caught up with our busy lives and the amount of daily stress so many of us are undergoing at this point in our human history that maybe we have started to relegate our interaction with the RH frequencies to special moments. 

We may say:  “I’m gonna have a special moment and this is the moment in which I will take up a couple of minutes and then I’m going to start feeling the frequencies, or maybe I’m going to go hiking to get in the mood, or I’m gonna get myself a latte and I will just look at the sunset and listen to some great music and then I’m gonna play with the frequencies.”  You know what? All of these plans are great. It is important that you do create moments for your wellbeing.

But when we have to plan this interaction with the RH frequencies it easily turns into a routine: human beings tend to fall into routines and rituals. Our minds will notice anything that becomes a pattern and latch on to it, making it hard to break through the habit. Should RH be then an afterthought, something we use when things get really out of kilter, the last thing that comes to your mind because you have put it in the background? Or perhaps it needs to be our constant state of being, one that allows us to be healing others and ourselves?

Here are three takeaways you can remember and use to activate healing in your daily life:

1. Recognize that you already are these frequencies

The RH frequencies are not separate from you. They might feel as if they are out there and we might feel we need to call them when actually, once we’ve interacted with them, we are receiving them. Our entire body, our molecules, become an antenna for them. Play with them and acknowledge them. It’s in that moment you recognize that they’re part of you already.

2. There's no separation between you and the healing you need

The healing that you need is taking place 24/7. So is transformation on every level as well as your ability to be multi-dimensional or recognize multidimensionality. The connection is already active, the process is constant.

3. Recognizing your healing is a matter of perception

Healing and transformation are already taking place in you yet your perception is often trying to catch up, and that’s ok. Sometimes we need time to process things until the moment comes in which we can let go of that too. It’s key to understand that there is no rush: there’s only the speed each of us needs in order to recognize the changes. After all, this is a very individual, personal relationship with the RH frequencies and we truly receive what each of us needs.

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